Pathways Vermont Support Line
Are you struggling with a challenging situation? Do you have feelings of sadness, loneliness, isolation, anger, or depression? You don’t have to face it alone. Talk with a caring person who understands what you’re going through by calling or texting our confidential Support Line.
The Pathways Vermont Support Line provides confidential, non-judgmental support and connection for all Vermonters over the age of 18 by phone. It’s staffed by local peers who’ve been through tough situations themselves. They listen, talk with you, provide insight, and help you face life’s challenges.
Different from a crisis helpline or emergency hotline, the Vermont Support Line is a “warm line” — your go-to support resource that can help prevent a situation from escalating to an emergency. We focus on interpersonal connection, confidential mental health support, and peer counseling for a wide range of issues: from the anger you feel after a bad day, to times when you feel alone, to when you need support for substance use, medical concerns, relationship challenges, or thoughts of suicide.
Completed calls in 2023
Calls diverted from emergency services in 2023
Caller Satisfaction
Call or Text 24/7 (833) 888-2557 / (833) VT-TALKS
Filling an Unmet Need
The Pathways Vermont Support Line fills a previously unmet need in the system of care: immediate access to nonjudgmental, compassionate support. The creation of a statewide warm line was mandated in Act 79, the legislature’s plan to redevelop the system of care following the closure of the Vermont State Hospital.
In March 2013, the Pathways Vermont Support Line began taking calls and providing connection to Vermonters in need, initially intended as an alternative resource for individuals who regularly contact crisis and other emergency-level services in search of support. Eleven years later, more than 108,000 calls from Vermonters have been completed.

A Cost Effective Solution for Vermont
By providing a low-barrier, non-emergency level of service, the Pathways Vermont Support Line helps relieve the burden on statewide crisis services such as 911 and emergency departments.
Since its inception in 2013, the Pathways Vermont Support Line operators have diverted 3,555 calls from emergency services, an average of 323 calls each year. The Support Line is an important service which has the potential to prevent unnecessary visits to the emergency department and subsequent psychiatric hospitalizations, as well as ancillary services such as screeners and emergency transportation. This not only reduces the burden on these resources, but has the potential to save state dollars, given that the majority of callers to the line have state-funded insurance.
“The support line is one place where I don’t feel alone in the world. It’s so good to be able to pick up the phone and hear an empathetic voice on the other end. I call each day because I find this line very effective.”
“I am really glad the VT support line exists. It is 1000 times better, you listen, and it really helps. Thank you.”
“I really wanted to end it. I was happy to feel a connection with another human that had been through so many of the same things…thank you for saving my life.”

Peer Support
Pathways Vermont has a relationship-first practice. This means we value lived experience, recognize each person as their own expert, and foster connection through empathy and authenticity. A relationship-first practice places principles of humanity, authenticity, collaboration, curiosity, and hope at the forefront of every connection. Support Line staff utilize lived experience to provide peer counseling on a wide range of issues including loneliness, substance use, medical concerns, relationship challenges, or thoughts of suicide. All staff are trained in Intentional Peer Support through the Peer Workforce Development Initiative.
Our support line is unique in that all relationships and connections are rooted in autonomy, mutuality, and trust. Someone can call the line when they are having a bad day and just need someone to talk to. Pathways Vermont champions the peer support model and the success of connections without agendas or a helper/helpee relationship.