What is Peer Support ?
Peer support is an approach to building relationships that are mutual and genuine. Mutual means that something is only working if it’s working for both/all parties. Genuine means that we are going to show up ready to connect on a human-to-human level as a learner and not an expert. Peer support staff are chosen for their ability to relate and connect with others in part because of their life experience. They are able to relate to distress, marginalization, and oppression because they have been through it.
Peer Support May Be Helpful If Someone:
One-on-One Peer Support & Employment Support
*If you are seeking peer support or connection, please call the Pathways Vermont Support Line at (833) VT – TALKS or attend one of our virtual groups listed at the bottom of this page!
The Pathways Vermont Community Center, located at 279 N. Winooski Avenue, Burlington, is staffed by individuals who identify as having lived experience with issues such as mental health crises, trauma, substance use, and homelessness. Staff are trained to provide what is referred to as “peer support.” Peer Support is a service delivery distinct from traditional mental health services. The peer approach to services encourages individuals to draw from their own lived experience when connecting with and supporting others. This unique approach to relationships with service recipients has been proven effective in engaging individuals who might otherwise avoid mental health services and in promoting hope, resiliency, and well-being.
We are currently offering flexible individual peer support and employment support services, meeting one-on-one with folks in person or remotely. These meetings are held by Center staff and can be scheduled around an individual’s needs. Employment support can include help with job seeking, resume development, cover letter writing, and more. If you’re interested in connecting for peer support, employment support, and/or being added to the PVCC newsletter, contact [email protected] or give us a call at 802-777-8691.

PVCC Facilitated Groups
We offer weekly facilitated Peer Support Zoom Groups through our Center. These groups are open to anyone over the age of 18 and are facilitated by Pathways staff. As a security measure for first-time attendees, we ask that you reach out to us directly to express interest in the group – [email protected] or 802-777-8691.
Drop-in Peer Support: Mon-Fri 10 am-1 pm | Pathways Community Center 279 N. Winooski Ave, Burlington | The Community Center is now open M- F from 10 am-1 pm, offering drop-in peer support with our various staff. Swing by to connect with our staff; availability is on a first-come, first-served basis.
New Group Offering! Trauma Peer Support Group: Fridays 2:15 -3:15 pm EST | Hybrid group: in-person and on Zoom | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84562240350?pwd=rXX8UuNSX50m6nBuZwCJLj0GQobrDN.1 | The trauma peer support group is an open space for folks to talk about trauma and its lasting impacts with peers who share lived experiences.
Laughter Yoga: The First and Third Fridays of each month from 1:15 pm-2:15 pm EST | Hybrid group: in-person and on Zoom | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/995144322 | Laughter Yoga was founded in India in 1995 by Dr. Madan Kataria, M.D., and his wife Madhuri, a yoga teacher. It combines gentle yogic breathing techniques with genuine, spontaneous laughter exercises. Dr. Kataria developed Laughter Yoga inspired by several scientific papers he had read on the physical, mental, and emotional benefits of genuine, spontaneous laughter. Anyone can do this practice; no yoga mat or special clothing is required. Come as you are for a gentle, fun, easy, restorative session to start your week off feeling good.
Hearing Voices: Tuesdays 2:30 pm-4 pm EST In-Person | The Hearing Voices group upholds a fundamental belief that there are many ways to understand the experience of hearing voices and other unusual or extreme experiences. We seek to utilize this alternative approach to coping with emotional distress that is empowering and useful to those with lived experience or mental health challenges and does not start from the assumption that we have a chronic illness. We are a peer support group that seeks to build mutual understanding about voice-hearing and other phenomena common to having lived experience or mental health challenges. We hope to empower each other through sharing our stories and those strategies and coping skills that have benefited us on our journeys.
Writing Circle: Tuesdays 4 pm-5:30 pm EST | Hybrid group: in-person and on Zoom | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/601343315 | The Writing Circle is a facilitated space for writing creatively in community with one another. Facilitators choose monthly themes, and folks get time to write and time to share during each meeting.
Anxiety Relief Group: Wednesdays 4 pm-5:30 pm EST | Hybrid group: in-person and on Zoom | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89850461015 | Anxiety Relief Group is a safe setting for relaxing and exploring your feelings with others through gentle socialization and self-expression, building up what makes you centered and strong.
Community Cooking: Wednesdays 6 pm-8 pm EST | Join Pathways staff and volunteers to cook a yummy meal together. Every week we chop vegetables, chat about our lives, and dance to music. The food we cook is first served to the chefs and volunteers, then to the Pathways Community Center and the Food Not Bombs daily free lunch. No cooking experience is necessary!
Conversations About Suicide: Thursdays 4 pm-5 pm EST | Conversations About Suicide is a judgment-free and open space to talk about personal experiences of suicidal ideation. The group is facilitated by peer support staff with lived experience of suicidality.
Open Art Studio: Fridays 11 am-1 pm EST | Sketching, pastels, paints, coloring books, stamping, collaging, and more! People of all skill levels and experiences are welcome. Demonstrations, instructions, and conversations are always available.
Mindfulness Meditation: The Second and Fourth Fridays of each month from 1:15 to 2:15 p.m. EST. Come with a poem, song, story, quote, or just yourselves to an informal session that combines stimulating discussions, free sharing, and silent sitting.
Disability Peer Support Group: Mondays from 1:15-2:15 pm EST| Hybrid group: in-person and on Zoom | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89286917729?pwd=6JRYCEtwA9dQlgpZFLudazkVqKxbTX.1 | The Disability Peer Support Group is a space for mutual support open to anybody who identifies as disabled, differently abled, or has a disability. Whether your disability is visible, invisible, physical, or cognitive, this group is for you!
Learn more about our groups and offerings. Click here to view our brochure.

Upcoming Events
Community Center staff aims to create a vibrant community that supports resilience through collective learning, creative exploration, and mutual support. Join us at an upcoming event! Click here to see the current month’s calendar.
Peer Assisted Vocational Employment (PAVE)
At Pathways Vermont, we value your preferences and dreams. We want to provide you with 100% free and high-quality employment support. We explore your individual likes, needs, and barriers toward employment to help guide you toward a career that best suits you!
Our employment services are located at the Pathways Vermont Community Center, where we offer drop-in employment support as well as one-on-one long-term support to help you in your search. We can help with everything from job searching to resume aid, interview preparation, and ongoing follow-up through collaboration and a peer-to-peer approach. We work with all individuals 18 and older.
If you would like to explore vocational support through PAVE, please contact [email protected] or stop by our Community Center at 279 N. Winooski Ave in Burlington between 10 am and 1 pm, Monday through Friday.